2023 Showa Pharmaceutical University's YouTube Channel Review

Showa Pharmaceutical University

2024 YouTube Channel Review New

Last update: April 2024

YouTube Channel Overview

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東京都町田עにある昭和薬科大学です̂ キャンパス風景などを紹介するほか́様̅な動画がご覧になれます̂ チャンネル登録でٰ新情報を入手してください࿱ 本学は昭和5年࿸1930年࿹に設立された昭和女子薬学ׂ門学校を前身とし́88年の歴史を誇る薬学教育の伝統校です̂ これまで多くの卒業生を社会にँり出し́先輩たちは病院・薬局をはじめ製薬会社࿼治験会社࿼食品・化粧品会社࿼研究機関࿼薬事行政など薬学が関わる様̅なԦ野で活躍しています̂ 本学の݆念̌薬を通して人類に貢献̍ 本学は̌薬を通して人類に貢献̍を大学の݆念に掲げ́豊かな人間性を備え́創薬から臨床に至る薬学の広いԦ野で薬のׂ門家として活躍できる薬剤師を育てます̂ 建学の精神̌独立と融和̍ 本学は創立以来́学生・教職員・卒業生がӠ体となって母校の発展を支えてきました̂ 自らࠃえ行動する独立の精神と融和の心を大ԧにする校風が受け継がれています̂

Creation date

December 2017

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YouTube Channel Stats and Engagement







Avg No of Views per Video


Guide to understanding YouTube Channel stats and engagement

This uniRank guide applies to countries where YouTube is accessible and there is good internet and social media penetration. As of 2024, access to YouTube is blocked in China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea and Turkmenistan. Also, underdeveloped countries might have low internet/social media penetration due to economic, technological or cultural reasons affecting YouTube adoption.

1) YouTube Channel's total number of subscribers

What does Showa Pharmaceutical University's official YouTube Channel number of subscribers tell us?

  • Indicator of Popularity: the total number of subscribers can indicate the popularity and reach of Showa Pharmaceutical University's channel, and indirectly reflect the popularity of the higher education institution itself provided they adopted this social media channel for a minimum number of years; uniRank provides the date of creation of the channel to help on this regard.
  • Sign of Success: typically, the higher the number of subscribers, the more people are interested in the video content being produced and published by Showa Pharmaceutical University's YouTube channel and the more popular the University. This can also be an indication of how successful the channel is in terms of generating views and engagement as well as potentially attracting new students.
  • Not Sole Metric: the number of subscribers is just one metric among many that can be used to assess the success of the above Showa Pharmaceutical University's YouTube channel; other important metrics include total views, watch time and engagement metrics.
  • Influencing Factors: the number of subscribers of higher education YouTube channels can be influenced by factors such as the quality and consistency of the content, the frequency of publishing new videos, the target audience and the marketing and promotion budget and strategies employed by the institution's social media staff.

In conclusion, while a high number of subscribers is indeed a positive sign for a university's YouTube channel, it is important to emphasize that it should not be the sole metric used to evaluate the success of a higher education-related YouTube channel. Success involves a holistic approach, considering a combination of metrics such as total views, watch time, and various other engagement indicators.

2) YouTube Channel's total number of videos

What can Showa Pharmaceutical University's official YouTube Channel number of videos tell us?
  • Content Commitment: a higher number of videos suggests that Showa Pharmaceutical University is actively producing content and is committed to its channel and audience and is, therefore, consistently working to grow it.
  • Quality Over Quantity: video count alone does not reflect quality or popularity; it is possible for a YouTube channel with fewer videos to have a larger audience or more engagement than a channel with many videos.
  • Other Key Factors: content, quality, consistency and frequency of the videos are more important factors in influencing the engagement metrics and determining the success of the channel.

Ultimately, the number of videos on a channel is just one factor to consider when evaluating the overall success of a higher education-related YouTube channel and should be considered alongside other metrics such as total views, watch time and engagement.

3) YouTube Channel's total number of views

  • Engagement Metric: the total number of views on Showa Pharmaceutical University's YouTube channel indicates how many times videos on that channel have been watched by viewers no matter if they subscribed or not to that channel. It is one of the key metrics used to measure the success and popularity of a channel, as it shows how much engagement the channel is receiving from its audience.
  • Indication of Popularity: a high number of views can indicate that the content on a YouTube channel is interesting and engaging to viewers and that the channel has a strong following.
  • Holistic View: views alone do not necessarily indicate the overall success of a channel. For example, a channel may have a high number of views but low engagement, meaning that viewers are not interacting with the content in a meaningful way.

It is also worth considering the context of the views. A video that goes viral may receive a high number of views, but that does not necessarily mean that the channel as a whole is successful or sustainable. Similarly, a channel may have a smaller number of views, but a highly engaged and loyal audience that regularly interacts with the content and supports the creator.
Overall, while the number of views is an important metric for measuring the success of a higher education institution's YouTube channel, it should be considered alongside other metrics mentioned in this guide.

4) YouTube Channel's average number of views per video

  • Important Metric: the average number of views per video is an important and useful publicly available metric for evaluating and comparing the success of Showa Pharmaceutical University's YouTube channel content and engagement. It indicates the average number of views a video on the channel receives, which can help understand how engaged the audience is with the content.
  • Consistent Popularity: high average number of views per video indicates that the content on the channel is consistently popular and engaging to viewers. This can be an indication of a loyal and dedicated audience that enjoys the content produced by the higher education institution's YouTube channel.
  • Content/Algorithm Variation: the average number of views per video can vary in time depending on the type of content produced by the channel. Additionally, older videos on the channel may have lower view counts due to changes in audience preferences or shifts in YouTube's algorithmic recommendations.

Overall, the average number of views per video is an important metric to consider when evaluating the success of a YouTube channel, but, once again, it should be used in conjunction with other metrics to get a more complete picture of the channel's performance.
Please note that uniRank provides the average number of views per video calculated on the entire life existence of Showa Pharmaceutical University's YouTube channel; for deeper analyses and up-to-date comparison purposes, it might be worth considering calculating the average number of views per video in a most recent time range such as the last month or year.

5) YouTube Channel's watch time

  • Engagement Indicator: the watch time metric on a YouTube channel indicates how much time viewers have spent watching the content on the channel. It is an important metric for creators and YouTube itself, as it is used to evaluate the overall engagement of the audience and to inform the ranking algorithm that recommends videos to viewers.
  • Quality Content Sign: a high watch time indicates that the channel's content is engaging and interesting to viewers and that they are spending more time watching the videos. This can be an indication of a loyal and dedicated audience that enjoys the content produced by the higher education institution's YouTube channel and it can also contribute to the overall success of the channel.
  • Holistic Consideration: it is important to keep in mind that watching time alone does not necessarily indicate the overall success of a channel. For example, a channel may have a high watch time but a low subscriber count, indicating that the content is engaging but has not yet found a wider audience. Additionally, YouTube's ranking algorithm takes into account other metrics such as likes, dislikes, comments and shares when recommending videos to viewers. Therefore, creators need to focus on frequently creating high-quality content that encourages viewer engagement in addition to increasing watch time.

Unfortunately uniRank does not publish this metric for Showa Pharmaceutical University's YouTube channel because it is not publicly available and only the channel creator can have access to it.

6) YouTube Channel's engagement metrics

Engagement metrics for higher education institutions' YouTube channels are very important metrics that measure how viewers are interacting with their channels' content and appraise the popularity of their channel. They are the ultimate metrics to compare YouTube channels against each other. Engagement metrics are also very important for YouTube itself because it is incorporated into its ranking algorithm.

  • Crucial Interaction Metrics: metrics like likes, dislikes, comments, shares, average number of views per video and subscriber activity measure audience engagement.
  • Likes and Dislikes: indicate how viewers feel about the content on the channel; a high number of likes indicates that viewers are enjoying the content, while a high number of dislikes indicates that they are obviously not. Creators can use this feedback to shape content strategy and improve their videos.
  • Comments: comments are another important engagement metric because they provide a way for viewers to interact with the content and the creator. A high number of comments can indicate that the content is sparking conversation and engagement among viewers and can also provide valuable feedback for the creator. Video content creators should often ask and remind the audience to leave a comment at the end of the video
  • Shares: shares are also important because they indicate how viewers are sharing the content with others. A high number of shares can indicate that the content is resonating with viewers and that they find it valuable enough to share with their friends or peers.
  • Subscriber Activity: subscriber activity is also an important engagement metric because it indicates how active and engaged the channel's subscriber base is. Creators can use this information to develop a loyal and dedicated audience that regularly engages with their content.
  • YouTube Ranking Influence: engagement metrics affect YouTube's recommendation algorithm.

In conclusion, engagement metrics provide valuable insights into how viewers are interacting with a YouTube channel's content. Creators can use this information to improve their content strategy and build a loyal and engaged audience.
Unfortunately uniRank does not publish engagement metrics for Showa Pharmaceutical University's YouTube channel because some are not publicly available and only the channel creator can have easy access to them. As of 2023, only the number of views per video, number of likes and number of comments are publicly available.

7) Is a YouTube channel still active?

Some higher education institutions' YouTube channels might be inactive and their account abandoned. The best way to find out whether a channel is still active is to check whether it has recently published new video content.

Remember, here at uniRank we believe that evaluating a YouTube channel's success requires considering a combination of metrics, as no single metric provides a complete picture of engagement and popularity. Always aim for a holistic understanding by assessing multiple engagement indicators.

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